Waking From Sleep: Why Awakening Experiences Occur and How to Make them Permanent

Authors: Taylor, Steve
Publisher: Hay House
BISAC/Subject: OCC042000, OCC012000, OCC014000
ISBN: 9781401929480, Related ISBNs: 1401929486, 9781401929480
Classification: Non-Fiction
Number of pages: 224,
Audience: General/trade
Synopsis: How much of your waking time are you fully awake? On the other hand, how often do you stumble through the day on autopilot, half-asleep and out of contact with yourself, instead of feeling connected and alive?

In this astounding book, Steve Taylor suggests that our normal consciousness is really a kind of "sleep" from which we sometimes "wake up" into a more intense and complete reality. He provides what is perhaps the first-ever clear explanation of higher states of consciousness, or "awakening experiences." This work delves into:

• the methods we human beings have used throughout history to induce awakening experiences, including meditation, sex, sports, psychedelic drugs, and sleep deprivation
• how higher states of consciousness were normal and natural to some of the world’s peoples (and still are, in some cases)
• and how we can make "wakefulness" our normal state again.

By fully explaining awakening experiences, the author makes them much more accessible, which may lead to a revolution in our psychological development as human beings!
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