Walt Whitman: A Life

Authors: Kaplan, Justin
Publisher: Harper Perennial
BISAC/Subject: POE005010, BIO007000, BIO025000
ISBN: 9780062339782, Related ISBNs: 0062339788, 9780060535117, 9780062339782
Classification: Non-Fiction
Number of pages: 464,
Audience: General/trade

“Whitman emerges from this biography alive and kicking—hugely human, enormously attractive.”  —Newsweek

A moving, penetrating, sharply focused portrait of America’s greatest poet—his genius, his passions, his androgynous sensibility—an exuberant life entwined with the turbulent history of mid-nineteenth century America. In vivid detail, Justin Kaplan, winner of the Pulitzer Prize and the National Book Award, examines the mysterious selves of this enigmatic man whose bold voice of joy and sexual liberation embraced a growing nation…and exposes the quintessential Whitman, that perfect poet whose astonishing verse made “words sing, dance, kiss, copulate” for an entire world to hear.

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